Stereo Apollo References

Andreatta, David. Andreatta: Kodak retirees recall their moon landing 'moment', Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, July 19, 2019.

Bourque, Joseph. Shooting the moon. May 2002. An interesting piece about Thomas Gold, the tense negotiations over building the camera, and the tepid response of the astronauts who would have to use it. The money quote: "[Harrison] Schmitt insists that Gold had no rationale for his theories about the lunar dust: 'Tommy was flying in the face of what had already been proven erroneous, and he just wouldn’t stop. But he could get the media to listen to him and rattle the cages of NASA headquarters people.' [Neil] Armstrong says succinctly: 'We found the predictions of Dr. David Carrier and the Soil Mechanics team to be more persuasive than Dr. Gold’s.'"

Dowling, Stephen. The 21-year-old who helped build a stereo camera for the Moon. Kosmofoto, July 20, 2019.

Shanebrook, Robert L. NASA’s and Kodak’s Apollo Lunar Surface Close-up Camera (ALSCC), 2019. Available in the Shanebrook Collection; Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation; River Campus Libraries; University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.

Eastman Kodak Company, Apollo Lunar Surface Close-up Camera, Final report, NAS 9-9094. October 30, 1970. Tremendous detail on the design of the camera, with some great stories about the short-fused development cycle. Kodak responded with a no-bid to the initial NASA Request for Proposal, because of onerous "software" requirements! In 1968 contract parlance, "software" meant the paperwork that NASA required of contractors to document the test and development process.

W. David Carrier, III, and Grant Heiken. Lunar Surface Closeup Stereoscopic Photography at Fra Mauro (Apollo 14 site). NASA TM X-58072 January 1972.

James R. Gaier and Donald A. Jaworske, Lunar Dust on Heat Rejection System Surfaces: Problems and Prospects, NASA/TM—2007-214814 STAIF Paper number 26. Prepared for the Space Technology and Applications International Forum, February 11–15, 2007. This is a cool paper. It describes dust deposition on Surveyor 3 (which Apollo 12 visited), and dust impacts to battery overheating on the lunar rovers, and also predicts the level of dust deposition from repeated landings in a small area.

James R. Gaier. Interpretation of the Apollo 14 Thermal Degradation Sample experiment, Icarus Volume 221, Issue 1, September–October 2012, Pages 167-173. Abstract: "The Thermal Degradation Sample (TDS) experiment was one of the many investigations performed on the lunar surface during Apollo 14. Remarkably, the results of this 40 year old experiment were never fully interpreted, perhaps in part because the hardware vanished after its return."

Durkee, R. E. Harris, R. S., Jr. Jacobs, S., Lunar dust deposition effects on the solar absorptance of thermal control materials. April 1, 1971. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA PAPER 71-459.

Paul Helfenstein and Michael K. Shepard, Submillimeter-Scale Topography of the Lunar Regolith. Icarus Volume 141, Issue 1, September 1999, Pages 107-131. Abstract: "We have applied computer stereophotogrammetry to Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC) pictures of the lunar surface to construct the first-ever digital topographic relief maps of undisturbed lunar soil over spatial scales from 85 μm to 8.5 cm."

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, various images of the ALSCC.

Preliminary Science Reports, ALSCC sections:

Apollo Lunar Surface Journals:

Arizona State University image archives, scans of the original stereo pairs. These images are high resolution TIFF, and appear to this author to have minimal or no post-processing applied. This was the source of the images in Stereo Apollo (cropped uniformly, and converted to PNG).

Lunar and Planetary Institute image archives, scans of the original stereo pairs. These images are lower resolution JPEG, and have had some unknown post-processing applied.